R1.0 of the I3 Software is scheduled for general availability the week of June 14, 2021 release

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Product Description
I3 Systems Core Software
The i3 Systems Core is the downloadable software that runs an I3 Node.
Producer License
i3 Publisher/Producer License authorizes an i3 node to support a specific number of data streams flowing into an i3 node.
Consumer License
i3 Subscriber/Consumer License authorizes an i3 node to support a specific number of data streams flowing out of an i3 node.
Bandwidth License
i3 Messaging/Bandwidth License authorizes an i3 node to support a specific number of messages per hour.
Annual Premium Support Package 1
The Premier Support Package provides i3 Systems with expedited customer support services.
15% of total order
Privacy Audit
Based on i3 Systems Research, a privacy-security best practices reference guide that customers can use as a basis to develop an audit plan.